The White-winged Scoter was still in this same area at 11 am. I parked in
Boom Island park and walked south to the Nicollet Island area. I was often
12 feet from the bird as it searched for food and surfaced close to the

Curt Rawn

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Alyssa DeRubeis <>wrote:

> I observed the female-type White-winged Scoter off of Boom Island Park
> (Minneapolis) at 7:15pm. At one point, a boat came in and scared the scaup
> and scoter. They flew from the north tip of Nicollet Island north towards
> the Plymouth Avenue bridge, but within a minute the scoter returned near
> its original spot, about 50 feet offshore. The bird was still there when I
> left at 7:30pm. About 7 other birders were there.
> Thank you Doug Kieser for sharing Abigail Anderson's find, and thank you to
> Doug, Rebecca Field, Jeanne Tanamachi, and Rob Daves for keeping me updated
> on the scoter.
> I checked a couple of Golden Valley (also Hennepin Co.) ponds this evening
> in hopes of spotting a Black-crowned Night Heron. I didn't find one, but
> there were 5 Great Egrets sporting their lovely breeding plumage.
> Good birding!
> Alyssa DeRubeis
> Lake Mills, IA
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Curt Rawn

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