This evening I found a lone American Avocet at the Atwater sewage ponds. There are three ponds, and it was on the west shore of the pond furthest south and west. To access the ponds, take the Kandi-Meeker Rd south from US 12 and go about a half mile. The entrance will be on the west side of the road. Note that the gate is only open to vehicles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I imagine you could walk to the ponds on the other days, but it will just be a bit more of a hike.
Other birds seen at the ponds: 10 Bonaparte's Gulls 2 Trumpeter Swans Lesser Yellowlegs Least Sandpipers Wood Ducks Canvasbacks Blue-winged Teal Redheads Ring-necked Ducks Mallards Buffleheads Lesser Scaup Ring-billed Gulls Canada Geese Josh Wallestad ---- Join or Leave mou-net: Archives: