This morning I birded the Atwater sewage ponds and found an adult Lesser 
Black-backed Gull.  It landed on the dike separating the north and south ponds. 
The bird was noticeably bigger than the nearby Ring-billed Gulls, with solid 
wings and back, and yellow legs.  I took some pictures from a long distance, 
then walked around the pond to see if I could get closer.  The light was bad in 
the new location, so I walked back and was walking beneath the dike and not 
keeping the ponds in view.  When I got back to my original location I scanned 
the gulls again, and I couldn't find it again!  Ron Erpelding went out and 
and he called me and said he did not refind it either.  Just giving you fair 
warning in case you go look.

Here is my eBird checklist where you can see pictures of the Lesser Black-
backed Gull.

I did not find the American Avocet this morning.  Tony Lau birded the ponds 
yesterday and found a Red-necked Grebe and an American Pipit.  I did see and 
photograph an American Pipit on the north shore of the southern pond this 

Josh Wallestad

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