Late yesterday afternoon Dave Bartkey and I refound the four White-faced
Ibises previously reported at Black Rush Lake WMA in Lyon County. Earlier,
at Miller Lake in Yellow Medicine County we found 8 Hudsonian Godwits, 3
Marbled Godwits, an American Avocet, 2 Willets, Dunlins, and other

Salt Lake had fewer birds than I've see there in the past, but we did find
one Eared Grebe, a few Horned Grebes, small numbers of most other varieties
of waterfowl. Along the shore we found Pectoral, Least, Baird's, and
Semipalmated Sandpipers, Wilson's Phalaropes, Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs,
a Willet, and an American Pipit. A lone Greater White-fronted Goose is
hanging around yet, and while we were there a flock of about 25 Snow Geese
flew over.

Elsewhere we came across Lark Sparrows, Franklin's and Bonaparte's Gulls,
and Broad-winged Hawks, and we found thriving populations of Yellow-headed
Blackbirds in just about every marsh we visited.

In spite of the wind, it was a great day of birding!

Gerry Hoekstra

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