On 5/17, a Hooded Warbler was singing on the south side of the trail
between trail markers 14 and 15 in Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park, Scott
County. This location is about 1/2 mile east-northeast of the northeastern
most part of Murphy Lake. The warbler sang five times @ 12:30 p.m., so may
be on territory. If you go look for it, please stay on the trail and do not
use tapes. This is not a part of the park that is off limits. Had 20
species of warblers in the park, including a Cape May and Golden-winged
(but no Blue-winged or Cerulean in places where they usually occur). Also a
female Ruby-throated Hummingbird building a nest.

On 5/18 a.m., Golden-winged Warbler in the oaks along West River Road in
South Minneapolis, just south of the ravine by the intersection with 34th

Dave Zumeta, Executive Director
Minnesota Forest Resources Council
(651) 603-0108

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