Spent the day birding southern Goodhue County and Northern Wabasha County
yesterday.  Highlights included a White-faced Ibis NE of the corner of
Wabasha County 30 and N County Rd 24 near where one had been previously
reported.  The Ibis was with a large flock of Ring-billed and Franklin's

Just to the east on 160th Avenue​, just South of N County Rd 24 the flooded
field contained 5 Hudsonian and 4 Marbled Godwits, Least and Pectoral
Sandpipers, Short-billed Dowitchers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs,
Semipalmated Plover, Wilson Phalaropes, and Common Nighthawks flying around
the area.

Also birded Hok-Si-La Municipal Park North of Lake City in Goodhue County
and found only 16 warbler species.

Ended the day with 3 Tufted Titmice at the corner of Wood Ave and Green
Street near the cemetery at Villa Maria by Frontenac.

Scott B. Meyer
Hennepin County
Tamara Holmer
Vicky Douglas
Ramsey County

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