*Duluth/North Shore
*May 24, 2014

-Birds mentioned
Long-tailed Duck
Ruddy Duck
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
Great Egret
Piping Plover
Upland Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
Parasitic Jaeger
Snowy Owl
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird
Philadelphia Vireo
Northern Mockingbird
Mourning Warbler
Lark Sparrow
Indigo Bunting

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: May 24, 2014
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jsl...@frontiernet.net)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for May 24th, 2014 sponsored by the
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A PIPING PLOVER was seen on the 20th at the 3300 block of Park Point.
Karl Bardon saw a very late SNOWY OWL and an EARED GREBE on the 20th at
38th Street on Park Point. He also saw three PARASITIC JAEGERS and 14
WHIMBREL at the Recreation Area dune bridge. On the 22nd Mike
Hendrickson saw three PARASITIC JAEGERS near 16th Street. Peder Svingen
saw a WESTERN GREBE on the 18th at Lafayette Square, and on the 19th he
saw three RUDDY DUCKS near the 12th Street access. The NORTHERN
MOCKINGBIRD at the Park Point Recreation Area was still present on the

Jeff Newman saw a LARK SPARROW on the 20th on the 4400 block of Regent
Street in the Lakeside neighborhood of Duluth. Sandra van den Bosse saw
a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD on the 23rd in the open field near Everett and

A NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was seen on the 22nd at Lighthouse Point in Two
Harbors. JG Bennett saw a WILSON'S PHALAROPE on the 20th just west of
the Two Harbors water treatment plant near Agate Bay. A flock of 32
LONG-TAILED DUCKS was seen on the 22nd at Burlington Bay and four others
were seen at Flood Bay east of Two Harbors.

Frank Berdan saw eight LONG-TAILED DUCKS on the 18th near the McQuade
Road access. Uwe Kausch saw a GREAT EGRET on the 20th along the Wildwood
Road west of the Homestead Road in Duluth Township. Sparky Stensaas and
others saw a RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER on the 21st at the Owl Avenue
Welcome Center in Sax-Zim Bog, and a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER just south of
the Bog at CR 47 and CR 7. Terry Wiens saw two UPLAND SANDPIPERS on the
23rd along Arkola Road (CR 52) at CR 27.

Norma Malinowski saw a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD on the 23rd along Miner's
Drive in Ely. Steve and Peg Robertson saw a LARK SPARROW in Silver Bay
on the 19th.

Other recent spring arrivals in the past week include WHITE-RUMPED

The next scheduled update of this report will be on May 30th.

The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us
at m...@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.

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