Sunday morning I birded around Salt Lake in western LQP County. A few shore 
birds were present as the dryer weather of late has increased the width of the 
shoreline mud flats. Most interesting besides the number of Wilson's 
Phalarope's and the Black Tern's acrobatic flying was the Eared Grebes nesting 
on mounded lake vegetation in the south corner of the lake.
89 Canada Goose
10 Wood Duck
58 Mallard
11 Blue-winged Teal
18 Northern Pintail -- 2 broods on salt lake
93 Ruddy Duck
6 Pied-billed Grebe
51 Eared Grebe -- some nesting on floating vegetation 
1 Northern Harrier -- Female
2 Red-tailed Hawk
28 Killdeer
1 Solitary Sandpiper
3 Lesser Yellowlegs
64 Wilson's Phalarope
36 Black Tern
28 Tree Swallow
46 Bank Swallow
16 Barn Swallow
69 Cliff Swallow
120 swallow sp.
6 Cedar Waxwing
15 Red-winged Blackbird
8 Common Grackle
Ken Larson
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