*Duluth/North Shore
*February 6, 2015

-Birds mentioned
Common Eider
Harlequin Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Spruce Grouse
Red-necked Grebe
Thayer's Gull
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Great Gray Owl
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Black-backed Woodpecker
Boreal Chickadee
Bohemian Waxwing
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Evening Grosbeak

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: February 6, 2015
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jsl...@frontiernet.net)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for February 6th, 2015 sponsored by
the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A male HARLEQUIN DUCK was found on the 1st by Al Loken at Agate Bay in
Two Harbors, and it was relocated as recently as the 4th near the ore
docks. Jan and Larry Kraemer saw a RED-NECKED GREBE and five LONG-TAILED
DUCKS at Agate Bay on the 3rd, and an adult THAYER'S GULL was seen there
on the 2nd.

An AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER was found by Sparky Stensaas on the
3rd along the Three Lake Road north of Island Lake, and it was relocated
on the 4th. It was seen west of CR 4, 0.2 mile east of fire number 5144.
Al Loken saw three SPRUCE GROUSE on the 1st in Lake County. One was on
CR 2, 0.3 mile north of the Sand River, another 1.9 mile north of the
Sand River, and a third at mile marker 325.5 on MN Highway 1.

The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW found by Jeff Newman at his backyard feeders
at 44th Avenue East and Regent Street is still present as of the 4th. It
is being seen sporadically in his yard and in the alley above his home,
on both sides of 44th Avenue East. Birders are welcome to look for the
bird but Jeff asks observers to stand by the corner of his front porch
and not in his yard.

The COMMON EIDER in the Duluth/Superior was seen as recently as the 6th
at Canal Park, but it has also been seen in recent weeks in the open
water near the bridge leading to Barker's Island in Superior, Wisconsin.
GULLS continue to be seen at Canal Park in Duluth.

Tavis Westbrook saw a flock of 150 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS on the 6th along
the Rice Lake Road at the Snowflake ski area. Norma Malinowski also
reported a flock in Ely on the 6th, but I don't have an exact location.
David Brislance saw a flock of 40 in Grand Marais on the 5th.

In the Sax-Zim Bog, BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS have been seen along
McDavitt Road, 3.2 miles north of the Sax Road, and along the Admiral
Road, about 3.5 miles north of the Sax Road. BOREAL CHICKADEES are being
seen mainly at the Admiral Road suet feeders, 3.8 miles north of the Sax
Road. GREAT GRAY OWLS have been seen in these same areas along the
Admiral Road and McDavitt Road. EVENING GROSBEAKS are coming to two
feeders in Sax-Zim: “Mary Lou's” feeders on CR 444, 1 mile west and 0.5
mile north of the junction of CR 27 and CR 5, and the Morse feeders on
the Blue Spruce Road, 1 mile north of CR 133.

The next scheduled update of this report will be on February 12th.

Information about bird sightings may be sent to the Duluth Rare Bird
Alert at duluth...@moumn.org

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us at
m...@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.

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