Birds of Texas from Laura’s Big Year

*by Laura Erickson, <>*

*Location:* Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Visitor Center

*Thursday, March 26*

*7:00 pm:* Socialize with coffee and cookies

*7:30 pm:* A brief MRVAC business meeting followed by the featured speaker

[image: Laura Erickson]
<>From Green
Jays to Plain Chachalacas, Northern Beardless Tyrannulets to Groove-billed
Anis, the birds of Texas are birder magnets. Laura Erickson (Minnesota's
well known author) went to Texas three times in 2013 and each trip brought
her species not seen anywhere else. A close encounter with a mountain lion
was exciting, but her most dangerous experience was due to a wad of
monofilament that almost ended her chase for a Hook-billed Kite. She’ll
share photos and information about Texas specialties and tips about finding

*Where: *Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 3815
American Blvd E, Bloomington. Take Hwy 494 to 34th Ave. Go south to
American Blvd; turn left and go 2 blocks. Center will be on your right.

Our programs are free and open to the public.
Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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