This evening at Big Willow Park along Minnehaha Creek in Minnetonka I found a 
number of first of the year (for me) migrants.
3 Northern Flicker
3 E Phoebe
1 Brown Creeper
2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
9 Golden-crowned Kinglet
2 Y-r Warbler
1 Lincoln's Sparrow
7 other common species

I have also seen an influx of yard feeder birds, today over a 45 minute period 
I had 74 yard birds
4 Wild Turkey
2 Downy WP
1 Hairy WP
2 Mourning Dove
22 Junco
7 Tree Sparrow
4 Song Sparrow
13 A Goldfinch
6 R-w Blackbird
2 W-b Nuthatch
2 B-c Chickadee
6 House Finch
3 A Robin

Ken Larson
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