Saw 56 species today, mostly at Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Avenue Bridge from 
1:30-6:30 p.m., including 5 species of shorebirds and 12 species of ducks. At 
Bass Ponds, saw 2 Avocets, 120 Pectoral Sandpipers, 25+ Greater Yellowlegs, 5+ 
Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Killdeer, 100+ Shoveler, 53+ Green-winged Teal, 2 Pintail, 
5 other dabbling duck species, 14 White Pelicans flying over, 5 Sandhill Cranes 
flying over -- all of these species seen from two locations less than 200 feet 
apart. At Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, saw 4 species of diving ducks, including 21 
Ruddy Ducks, a large but distant flock of Lesser Scaup, 2 Ring-necked Ducks , 
and 1 Bufflehead; excellent views of 2 Sandhill Cranes that have apparently 
been in the vicinity of the boardwalk across the marsh for the past 3 weeks, 16 
Double-crested Cormorants, and 1 Barn Swallow among dozens of Tree Swallows. 
All of theses species except the Ring-necked Ducks were seen from the 
observation deck at the end of the boardwalk across the marsh. Bald eagles were 
on nests at both Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, and 6+ additional Bald 
Eagles were flying around or loafing on the edge of the lake at the two 
locations. To identify a few of these species (e.g., the Pectoral Sandpipers, 
the Pintail, and several of the diving ducks), a telescope is essential, but 
most of them (including the Avocets) could be identified with a good pair of 

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