Except for one Solitary Sandpiper,  I observed the same species today at Lake 
Byllesby and the nearby industrial park that have been there on and off for 2 
to 3 weeks:  White Pelican (many), Greater Yellowlegs and  Lesser Yellowlegs 
(many), Wilson's Snipe, Pectoral Sanpiper, Northern Shoveler, Mallard, Green 
and Blue-winged Teal, American Coot, Eastern and Western Meadowlark (Great 
Western I P).  A large flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers flew into the cemetery, 
plus at least 1 Palm Warbler before I left.  I saw or heard no other sparrows 
except Song, and  saw Hermit Thrushes and  a very vocal Brown Thrasher.  The 
west side of Lakeside Cemetery has been  extended for cemetery use, and some of 
the wood piles that attract spring and fall sparrows have been scattered or 
removed along the trail.   There have been some widespread controlled burns on 
the west side, which is accessed through the now open gate on Hwy 88, just 
south of Randolph & hwy 56.  The burns were needed, and the these areas don't 
prevent anyone from getting to the look-outs on the west side. Extensive 
shorebird habitat is still there for now.

Laura Coble
Cannon Falls
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