Ron Erpelding and I found a couple of interesting birds today up in NW 

First we located a single Clark's Grebe associating with a pair of Western 
Grebes at the Karlstad WTP in Kittson County.  Butch Ukura and Jeannie Joppru 
were both able to see the bird later, and Butch said he took lots of pictures, 
which I'm sure will be my better than my couple of crummy ones.  The bill on 
the Clark's was bright yellow versus a greenish yellow, the black at the top of 
the head did not go below the eye as it did with the Westerns, and the flanks 
were noticeably lighter than on the Westerns.

We then went to Agassiz NWR in Marshall County and found a Eurasian Wigeon on 
the Mud River Pool on the refuge.  This is in an area ("Enhanced Access area") 
that requires a key from the staff to get to.  One of the staff later refound 
the bird and has posted it to eBird.

Herb Dingmann
St. Cloud

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