Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I birded portions of Scott, Sibley, Nicollet & 
Carver counties today. Shorebird numbers were very good, but with some 
exceptions, were almost entirely composed of Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral 
Sandpipers and Greater Yellowlegs.

Scott county - from Jordan, go about one mile north of Hwy 169 and Scott county 
road 9. There is a pond that has exposed mudflats. Present here were Solitary 
Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers. 

Sibley County - the LeSueur sewage ponds held a single Hudsonian Godwit among 
the more common shorebirds. There is one pond that still holds water but will 
likely be dry in a few weeks. This pond can be safely scanned off of the north 
side of Hwy. 169 in the extreme southeast corner of Sibley county. 

Sibley county - the Gaylord Sewage ponds held 7 American Golden Plovers along 
with Wilson's Phalaropes.

Nicollet county - over 150 shorebirds were tucked into the pond that is about 
.5 mile south of the intersection of state highway 111 and county road 5.  A 
White-faced Ibis was seen here previously. Present today were 33 American 
Golden Plovers, Dunlin and unidentified dowitchers.

Carver county - The New Germany wetlands held over 650 shorebirds this evening. 
With the exception of a few Wilson's Phalaropes and a couple unidentified 
dowitchers, the remainder were the species mentioned above.

Also, newly arrived today:  Least Flycatcher, Nashville Warbler and Blue-headed 
Vireo at 7 Mile Creek park and Eastern Kingbird at the Gaylord sewage ponds.

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