-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *May 21, 2015 *MNDL1505.21 -Birds mentioned Red-necked Grebe Turkey Vulture Osprey Osprey Broad-winged Hawk Sora Sandhill Crane Spotted Sandpiper Upland Sandpiper Marbled Godwit Black Tern Common Tern Yellow-billed Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Short-eared Owl Common Nighthawk Red-headed Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Olive-sided Flycatcher Eastern Wood-Pewee Least Flycatcher Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Kingbird Yellow-throated Vireo Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Sedge Wren Veery Wood Thrush Gray Catbird Northern Mockingbird Chestnut-collared Longspur Golden-winged Warbler Blue-winged Warbler Nashville Warbler Mourning Warbler Cape May Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Palm Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Wilson's Warbler Eastern Towhee Grasshopper Sparrow Harris's Sparrow Scarlet Tanager Indigo Bunting Orchard Oriole Pine Siskin -Transcript
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes Date: May 21, 2015 Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours) Compiler: Jeanie Joppru (ajjop...@mncable.net) This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 21, 2015 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218)847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888. The last wave of migrants is coming to the northwest this week. All the warblers are being seen throughout the area, and the vireos and wrens are starting to be reported. Weather this week has been warming slowly and winds have been light. In Grant County, Charlene Nelson reported INDIGO BUNTING and ORCHARD ORIOLE on May 19. HARRIS'S SPARROW was seen on May 20. Marion and Gary Otnes in Otter Tail County observed SORA, SANDHILL CRANE, SPOTTED SANDPIPER, BLACK TERN, BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, WOOD THRUSH, and EASTERN KINGBIRD on May 20. Alice Martin saw CAPE MAY WARBLER, and SCARLET TANAGER on May 21. >From Hubbard County, Marshall Howe reported LEAST FLYCATCHER, and SCARLET TANAGER on May 15, EASTERN KINGBIRD, GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, WARBLING VIREO, INDIGO BUNTING , and GRAY CATBIRD on May 16, RED-EYED VIREO and MOURNING WARBLER on May 17, EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE and COMMON TERN on May 18, and RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER, and YELLOW-THROATED VIREO on May 19. An occupied BROAD-WINGED HAWK nest was seen on May 20. At the Detroit Lake birding festival last weekend, 28 species of warblers were found including a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER spotted by Bob Janssen. Only 12 species of shorebirds were seen due to heavy rain that came through the region covering up the mudflats. A trip to Felton Prairie in Clay county saw all the expected specialties being found including UPLAND SANDPIPER, MARBLED GODWIT, CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR, and GRASSHOPPER SPARROW. At Tamarac NWR on May 16, Heather Hundt found a YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO and reported it on eBird. Also from eBird was a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD reported by Shawn Goodchild at Tamarac NWR on May 16. Joanne Johnson in Polk County reported BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER, NASHVILLE WARBLER, PALM WARBLER, and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER on May 15. On that day, Russ Wilbur observed a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER at their traditional nest site at the East Grand Forks campground. Two COMMON NIGHTHAWKS were seen over East Grand Forks by Sandy Aubol on May 19. Other species that she reported that day included TURKEY VULTURE, OSPREY, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER, SEDGE WREN, VEERY, GRAY-CHEEKDED THRUSH, GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER and several other species of warbler. In Pennington County this week, I have hundreds of PINE SISKINS at the feeders. Both RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS and RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS are being seen at the feeders. Today there was a big increase in SWAINSON'S THRUSHES and PALM WARBLERS. Larry Wilebski in Kittson County reported SHORT-EARED OWL, EASTERN TOWHEE, and WILSON'S WARBLER on May 15, RED-NECKED GREBE, CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER, ORCHARD ORIOLE and SCARLET TANAGER on May 18, and a SHORT-EARED OWL on May 19. Thanks to all who sent in their sightings this week. Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjop...@mncable.net OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled update of this report is Thursday, May 28, 2015 Jeanie Joppru Pennington County, MN ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html