My recommendations are similar to Jeremy’s, except that I prefer the Sibley
app. I use the Sibley Guide app often. It has looping sound tracts. It also
has a variety of calls for each species. I no longer carry a bulky field
guide into the field.

If it is just sound you want, the tracts from the computer program,
Thayer’s Birds of North America. It is great but expensive. The apps can be
downloaded to your phone once you buy the program. Not as much variety
within species, but the mp3 files seem to stop less often than those in the
Sibley app.

iBird Pro is good too, but I don’t use it much.

BirdsEye is essential if you use eBird; and, of course, BirdLog if you are
contributing to eBird.

Hope this helps.

By the way, my blog this morning shows a series of photos of a Vesper
Sparrow water-bathing. (Apparently they usually dust-bathe.)


Dan or Erika Tallman
Northfield, Minnesota

".... the best shod travel with wet feet...Beware of all enterprises that
require new clothes ....”—H. D. Thoreau

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