This evening at 6:00 PM Scott Meyer and I observed a male Great-tailed
Grackle north of Lake Augusta, Cottonwood County.  It was on the south side
of 320th St., about a mile west of county 21 (410th Ave), where the ditch
crosses.   There are exposed mudflats here with many Killdeer and one early
(?) Greater Yellowlegs.  It was generally in the grassy area west of the
ditch where it would often disappear in the tussocks.  It eventually flew
to the marsh north of 320th Street.
Earlier we had an enjoyable day birding mainly Nobles county, where we
found Blue Grosbeaks in two spots north of St. Kilian, and Grasshopper
Sparrow, Field Sparrow and many Dickcissels in the same area.  Black-billed
Cuckoos, Orchard Orioles, etc. were seen in the Graham Lakes area.  Upland
Sandpipers were seen in Jackson and Cottonwood counties.

Doug Kieser

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