I was able to get out and do some birding while visiting home on the Iron
Range this weekend.  Here are the highlights.

Cook, MN: Julie Grahn gave me the tip that Johnson Road east of Cook is a
great birding road.  She wasn't kidding as I found the notable species
she's been finding.  Those included two Black-billed Magpies and a family
of Boreal Chickadees. Other fun finds included Bobolinks, a Blackburnian
Warbler on territory, a Lincoln's Sparrow, and numerous Nashville Warblers.

Angora, MN: On Goodell Road there were numerous Bobolinks in the open
country at the east end of the road.  I also found a male Brewer's
Blackbird feeding a fledgling.  On East Goodell Road I was packing up my
things at my parents' house this morning when a flock of 13 lifer Red
Crossbills serendipitously landed in the spruce right next to me!  They
flew off after just a couple minutes.

Lake County: I did not find the reported Surf Scoter in Agate Bay.  I did
find a Wild Turkey on Co. Rd. 2 just north of Bald Eagle Lane.  This is
about 10 miles north of Two Harbors.

Good Up North Birding!

Josh Wallestad

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