20 of us had aGreat morning of birding and Nature study! Forty + species 
Great Blue and Green Heron
Great Egret outside park
Canada  Goose
Wood Duck
Cooper's and Broadwing Hawk
Wild Turkey
Ring-billed Gull
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Ruby-Throated HB
Red-Bellied, Downey,Hairy,Pileated Woodpecker 
Northern Flicker
Eastern Phoebe
GREAT Creasted Flycatcher 
Eastern Kingbird 
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Red-Eyed Vireo
Blue Headed Vireo 
Blue Jay
Tree,Cliff and Barn Swallow 
Black Capped Chickadee 
White Breasted Nuthatch 
House Wren
American Robin 
Gray Catbird 
European Starling 
Cedar Waxwing 
Yellow, Chestnut Sided, common yellow throat Am Redstart Warblers.
Northern Cardinal 
Rose-Breasted Grossbeak
Song Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird 
Common Grackle 
Baltimore Oriole 
American Goldfinch (a lot) 
House Sparrow 
Thanks to all the people who showed up and Greg Feinberg and Debbie Cohn For 
making the Morning so Special!
Vic Lewis birder and nature lover!

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