Earlier today, Laura Erickson went to the Wildwoods rehab center in Duluth and 
found out some additional information about the juvenile Purple Gallinule 
posted on mou-net this morning. It apparently hit a large window on October 23 
at a building on Waseca Street in West Duluth, which is by the St Louis River 
between Indian Point and Grassy Point. The staff at Wildwoods said the bird had 
no visible injuries and is eating well, and arrangements are underway to 
transport the bird south in the coming days, probably to Florida. 

There have been only three previous Minnesota records: November 1963, found 
dead near Toivola, St Louis Co (specimen now at the Bell Museum of Natural 
History); June 1967, found dead in Sheldon Twp, Houston Co (specimen also at 
the Bell Museum); and September 1970, photographed at Oakleaf Lake, Nicollet 

Thanks to Laura for following up on this record; also see her photo from 
Wildwoods on the MOU website’s Recently Seen page.

Kim Eckert, Duluth
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