Based on reports of others who relocated the White-eyed Vireo at Wood Lake 
Nature Center about 8:00 this morning, I was able to relocate an adult 
White-eyed Vireo about 10:00 a.m. Tom Tustison, Ron Taube (who took definitive 
photos), and many other observers subsequently saw the vireo intermittently 
between 10:00 and 10:20 a.m., and perhaps later as well (I had to leave at 
10:25 a.m.) Here are directions to where we saw it: 

>From the main parking area at the north end of the nature center by the 
>interpretive building/office, take the eastern Perimeter Trail south to the 
>intersection with the trail that would take you back northwest to the 
>boardwalk across the marsh (there is a bench there dedicated to Janet Busse). 
>Continue south on the Perimeter Trail until you reach another multi-trail 
>intersection with a bench dedicated to Ron Griffith and A. Whittier Day (there 
>is also a trash bin next to the bench). Continue walking south on the 
>Perimeter Trail for another 50-100 feet to a fairly extensive stand of 
>buckthorn on the west side of the trail. We observed the bird feeding 8 to 20 
>feet off the ground along the southern edge of this stand of buckthorn between 
>50 and 100 feet west of the trail. 

Thanks to Conny Brunell for the initial posting, Peter Hoeger for very good 
directions to the site, and several other birders for their help along the way. 

Other species of interest at Wood Lake Nature Center this morning included 27 
Hooded Merganser, 1 Purple Finch, 2 Tree Sparrow, 7 Fox Sparrow, and 3 
White-throated Sparrow. All four of these songbird species were observed in the 
same area as the White-eyed Vireo, plus additional individuals of all three 
kinds of sparrows at the headquarters feeders. 

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