This afternoon Dedrick Benz sighted a Plegadis Ibis on Getchell Lake.  It was 
feeding contentedly on the mudflat shore in the NW corner of the lake. (This is 
the same location as the Black-Necked Stilt sightings earlier this spring).  
South of Freeport, CR 30 to 327th Street--go west to dead end and a turkey 
farm...continue straight ~2-300 yards down a two track trail (grooved, but 
driveable), to the grass-marshy public access on the east side of the lake.  We 
suspect it is a juvenile, most of the plumage an oily brown-green, long 
decurved bill.  Scope needed.  Ron Erpelding arrived to view it as well, but it 
disappeared at dark.  Hope it will still be feeding here tomorrow.  Present 
also ~125  Bonaparte Gulls and assorted ducks.  Some Cackling Geese and WF 
Geese flew in while Ron was present. Some waterfowl hunting shots were also 
heard at twilight. (Dedrick Benz, John Hockema, Frank Gosiak, Milt Blomberg).
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