Today for the first time in about a month, we had a visit from our local
pair of Tufted Titmice.  I can't be sure that they are not visiting my
feeders on a regular basis, because I only observe the feeders for a few
minutes in the morning on most days.

I observed a Raven flying overhead south of Forest Lake today.

My well nourished squirrels will devour any suet plugs I put out.  So, I
thought I had a solution to their predation of the suet when I found
cayenne flavored suet. But, I was wrong. My wife noted that they were into
the suet and commented that she thought I had tried that before with the
same results.  I guess they like it hot as long as they have the bird bath
to wash it down.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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