At the MSP airport a Snowy Owl continues. Likely moves around a bit and can
be far from the road, but best chance at a sighting is from the new aircraft
observation parking lot at the end of Cargo Road. This morning the owl was
on a small red and white checkered building to the NW of the lot. A flock of
Snow Buntings was also present and flying around near that area. Not the
only snowy owl in the county in the past 2 weeks, but certainly seems to be
the most reliable.

On a separate note, the Washington County Varied Thrush at Oakland Cemetery
has found a friend. I believe this was first noted by Ian Hunter yesterday.
The two Varied Thrushes have been seen sharing the single crabapple tree,
but retreat to other areas on and off the cemetery occasionally.

Justin Watts
Hennepin County

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