I was searching for my nemesis bird this morning in Superior, WI- a Gyrfalcon. I had no luck at Winter St. and I was met by JG Bennett (forgive spelling if wrong) at the Peavey grain elevator on Connors Point and we had no luck there but then JG got a text that the female, juvenile bird was at Enger Tower in Duluth. We rushed there and immediately saw the bird soaring over a flock of crows that was huddled in a tree. We parked and the bird put on a huge show. It swooped and dove and circled and harassed crows for about 10 minutes until it dove all the way down the hill to the residential neighborhood bellow. What an amazing and close encounter with this gigantic falcon! The fact that the bird had moved from its typical hunting territory in Superior may indicate that it is in the process of migrating back north.
Thanks to those that helped me get this great "life" bird. Good Birding, Jason Caddy Minneapolis j.ca...@hotmail.com ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html