The Grey Cloud Dunes Big Watch is happening this Saturday, April 30 from 6
AM-8 PM.

This event is FREE, DNR-approved, public, and will be stationed at the
south lot of the Grey Cloud Dunes SNA in Cottage Grove--Washington County
(off 110th St.--map in links below).  Activities will include an all-day
"Big Sit," regular guided outings on designated trails with expert guides,
and Q&A at the main station with park rangers and other staff.  This event
is funded and staffed by the Mississippi National River and Recreation
Area, and was produced by Sharon Stiteler, Greg Jahner, and myself.

The Grey Cloud Dunes SNA is one of the premier birding destinations in the
Twin Cities Metro area, and without a doubt the best spot in this region
for both nesting and migrating sparrows. Scouting by our guides has already
revealed Henslow's Sparrows, Vesper Sparrows, Field Sparrows, Eastern
Towhees, and more on territory.  By Saturday, there should also be Lark
Sparrows and plenty of Grasshopper Sparrows, both of which are annual
nesters at this location.

No RSVP is required.  See the following links for more information:

Facebook event page:

"Birdchick" Blog:

We hope to see you there!

Peter Nichols
Cottage Grove
Washington County

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