This afternoon I happened across a single male prairie warbler singing. I was 
able to get a recording and a few good looks. I please ask that as site steward 
of this SNA and locator of this find that people refrain from crowding this 
delicate ecosystem. There is both limited parking space and a lot of activity 
around this area would bring unwanted attention and concerns from the nearby 
residents. In order to further document this find, I ask that birders respect 
this request for the best interest of both the bird and the location. 

Thank you,

Alex Franzen

Alex Franzen
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities  
Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology 
"No matter how intently one studies the hundred little dramas of the woods and 
meadows, one can never learn all the salient facts about any one of them."
-Aldo Leopold
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