The MBWbirds website ( <>) was updated 
today, and it includes a date change for the Morris-based MBWeekend and 
pre-MBW: these have been rescheduled for August 19-20-21 (formerly August 

As usual, today’s update also includes the summaries of this season’s completed 
Minnesota Birds Weekends and Weeks, as well as the current registration status 
of this season’s remaining MBWs: while all but one of the MBWeeks are already 
filled, note that vacancies still remain on most MBWeekends. 

As always, please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Kim R Eckert, Duluth <> <>

(Please note: MBWs are offered in association with the MOU; we were originally 
known as MOU Birding Weekends when we started in 1986. MBW participants are 
still expected to be members of MOU, which receives a portion of MBW receipts 
in return for these updates on mou-net and in the newsletter.)
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