A stop at the Jirik Sod Farms this evening produced three Buff-breasted
Sandpipers, and a few other shorebirds including Lesser Yellowlegs,
Solitary Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers and one Stilt Sandpiper.  The
majority of the birds, including the Buff-breasted Sandpipers, were in the
large area of stripped sod on the east side of Blaine Ave., and most were
pretty close to the road.  Nothing as exciting as a Piping Plover or Red
Knot but who knows what tomorrow could bring.  There is quite a bit of
standing water from last night's rain.
Bug spray is recommended.
The sod farms are located on Blaine Ave. (county 79) south of 200th St.
(county 66).

Doug Kieser

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