(Posted by Matt Jacobson <matthew.jacobso...@gmail.com> via moumn.org)

Posted with admin permission.
October 18 is Twin Cities Birds and Beers Day! Have you ever heard of Birds and 
Beers or 
attended one once and thought, “Cool idea, but too far from where I live.” This 
month you 
have two options. On October 18 there will be a Birds and Beers in both 
Minneapolis at the 
Black Forest and St Paul at Moscow on the Hill. This is a great way to connect 
with the local 
birding community, learn where to find nemesis birds or find a car pool buddy.
Birds and Beers is free and open to anyone with any sort of an interest in 
birds from the 
casual backyard observer to the hardcore lister going for a big year. It’s 
low-key and it’s fun.
Minneapolis Birds and Beers Details: 
St Paul Birds and Beers Details: 
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