Hi all -

The guidelines and procedures for MOU’s two listservices, mou-net and mou-rba, 
have been rewritten this week: see http://moumn.org/listservice.html 
<http://moumn.org/listservice.html>. There are no significant differences in 
the guidelines for posting messages to the listservices, but the new version 
should be easier to read. 

Note especially the paragraph on doing the simple courtesy of including your 
first and last name with all your postings, since there have been a few recent 
unsigned postings on mou-net. There are also some reminders about what is and 
is not appropriate on postings. Note as well that photographs and attachments 
cannot be included in your listservice messages, and a sentence about this will 
be added to the guidelines.

If you have any questions or comments about mou-net or mou-rba, please contact 
David Cahlander (da...@cahlander.com <mailto:da...@cahlander.com>), the chair 
of the MOU’s Electronic Communications Committee. And thanks for your continued 
interest and support of the MOU and its listservices.

Kim Eckert
Duluth, MN 
Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

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