Thirteen birders joined me on a memorable field trip to the state trail off of Collischan Road near Red Wing. The birds were singing from the tree tops. The day was still and gray. Ample layers of repellent kept the mosquitoes for the most part off our skins, but could not muffle the buzz around our heads. They were tolerable while we moved, but not when we stopped to try and find a bird. Many birds called but few slowed enough to allow us to train our binoculars on them. The birding was not exceptional for the few of us who were fluent in bird song, I hope the others enjoyed their songs. Notable birds included a vocal pair of Sand Hill Cranes, at least one definite Cerulean Warbler, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, and Barred Owls. And, then the skies opened and we ran for our cars.
Notable observation at my home: 3 Dobson Flies, the first ones I have seen at my place. These monster flies are over an inch and a half long. They are not uncommon, but they breed in streams and we are miles from the nearest streams. Steve Weston On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN ---- Join or Leave mou-net: Archives: