Went out birding by Dassel & Litchfield yesterday and was able to see and 
get pictures of these birds, Gadwell, Blue-winged Teal, Ring-necked Duck, 
Bufflehead, Redhead, Canvasback, Ruddy Duck, Wood Duck, Northern Shoveler, 
Cackling Goose, Hooded Merganser, Brewers Blackbird and lots of Trumpeter Swans 
and American Coot.
    The areas I went to are, Lake Ripley in Litchfield, very good for ducks, 
also South of Litchfield on Hwy 22 to 230th street to Round Lake on the east 
side of the Hwy, also, Hwy 15 south of Dassel, south of 180th St there is a 
water hole on the west side of the road in the field, Butternut Lake south of 
Dassel, 220th St and 723rd Ave, on 220th is where the Horned Lark was seen, 
also, the Dassel WWTP is a spot to check now and then, just north on Dassel on 
Hwy 15.
Another spot, south of Dassel on Hwy 15 to 200th St,195th St to 196th St. That 
road has pot holes and lakes, Porter and Mud Lakes are the ones I know.
   These areas are very good waterfowl birding.

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