We're was the open water area? I guess we went to bring spot. Right off 52 

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  On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Jason Caddy<j.ca...@hotmail.com> wrote:   
The spectacle on Lake Byllesby tonight was amazing! There were hundreds of 
waterfowl of many species including a large variety of ducks in numbers and 
vast quantities of coots and swans. There were also a lot of Horned Grebes and 
over 100 Bonaparte's Gulls. Two Greater White-fronted Geese were there but at 
the far western edge of the lake in the usual shorebird spot, away from most of 
the other birds. We didn't even see the Cinnamon Teal but it was still well 
worth the trip! There were also a ton of water birds at Fort Snelling Stated 
Park where 494 crosses over but I did not have time to investigate.

On the bird walk I led this morning at Roberts Bird Sanctuary there was a nice 
variety of migrants but notable were the very large numbers of Fox Sparrow and 
Hermit Thrush.

Happy spring migration!

Jason Caddy



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