
Wild River Audubon has bird walks scheduled the first three Saturdays in May.  
Our bird walks this year are focused on exploring different types of public 
lands.  New and experienced birders welcome! 
May 4, Hawk Meadows Trail, 8 AMKick-off the birding month of May with a visit 
to our Audubon acres.  Likely sightings include warbler migrants, sparrow 
species, and wetland residents.  One mile wood-chip loop trail.  Trail entrance 
located off of Grail Ct and 256th Street in Wyoming.
May 11, Irving and John Anderson County Park, Isanti County, 8-10:00 AMMeet at 
the shelter at 8:00am. There is varied habitat--prairie, savannah, marsh. 
Expect lots of birds and particularly, eyes peeled for Golden-winged Warblers.
May 18, Wild River State Park, 7:30 AM
Meet at the boat landing.  Wild River Audubon has been conducting this bird 
walk, now named the Dayle and Bonnie DeClercq Memorial Bird Walk, on the third 
weekend in May for decades. Expect warblers and other neotropical migrants. 
Bring binoculars, water, and insect protection.

Happy birding!Michelle Terrell
WRA Vice-President

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