Some asked for a report of the survey results, so following is a brief 
        I received responses from 60 persons, and I thank them. 
Climate crisis received 16 votes which was the highest. There were four 
separate categories related to climate, so the total of all 5 was 30, the 
highest category was climate crisis with focus on habitat protection, which is 
not a surprise when responders were birders. Banning suffide-ore mining was 
popular with 16 votes. There were five categories dealing with water pollution 
and its sustainability which was selected by 16 votes. Government/Agency 
Accountability to Protect the Environment had 11 votes. Strengthening 
protection for wilderness and public lands had 10 votes. Ten selected 
strengthening protection for wilderness and public lands. Wildlife corridors 
and plastic pollution had 7 and 5 votes. All the other categories had less than 
5 votes.
        Several commented on the difficulty of only selecting 2 when our planet 
has so many dire environmental needs, and several added their concern which was 
not listed. 
Let us hope for a good legislative session for the environment we care so much 

Tom Bell
Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Rd. S.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071
651 459-4150

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