This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, August 15, 2019
sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also
see this report on the Chamber of Commerce website: 
The weather has cooled, and now feels like fall already, although there is
still more heat that will surely come. Birds are even now starting to move
around, flock up, and generally get ready for that fall journey. Some
species are definitely on the move, including turkey vultures which have
been seen in many places in the last two weeks. That said, exciting birding
is by no means over for the season. Blue grosbeaks are showing up all over
the state, though not many in the northern half of the state. The first red
crossbills have been reported from several locations.
In Grant County at the North Ottawa Impoundment, shorebirds such as
among the many species being reported this week. Wayne Perala found a WILLET
there on August 14. Frank Fabbro observed a PRAIRIE FALCON  overlooking cell
C on August 9th.
A BLUE GROSBEAK  was seen several days at the Breckenridge WTP  in Wilkin
County since August 4th. I have not seen any reports in the last few days.
An AMERICAN TREE SPARROW  was reported from Otter Tail County on August 8th.
WOOD DUCK  and BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON  were observed in Fergus Falls by
Wayne Perala this week, and James McCoy found a COMMON MERGANSER  along CR
20 on August 11th.
A RED CROSSBILL  was seen by Scott Dirks in Todd County on August 11th.
In Polk County, Russ Wilbur reported more than 80 AMERICAN CROWS  on the
Polk County side of the south pedestrian bridge over the Red River on August
15th. Sandy Aubol reported the first RED CROSSBILL  at her feeder  in East
Grand Forks on August 10th, and two more had joined it the next day. Ron
Fischer reported that the East Grand Forks BALD EAGLE  nest has  fledged two
young eaglets. The first BROAD-WINGED HAWK  of the season was observed by
Sandy Aubol on August 7th.
Here in Pennington County, I saw two TURKEY VULTURES  along Johnson Drive on
August 11th, and a COMMON RAVEN  in the town of Thief River Falls that day.
At Old Mill State Park in Marshall County, Judy and Tim Walker reported a
SCARLET TANAGER  on August 10th. At Agassiz NWR, they observed several
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than
Thursday each week, at <>
OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's numbers 218-847-5743 or 218- 847-9202.
Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled
update of this report is Thursday, August 22, 2019.
Jeanie Joppru
Pennington County, MN

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