Hello MOU members and MOU-net subscribers,

Tomorrow is Give to the Max Day 2019, a day dedicated to showing support
for nonprofits in Minnesota. As one of these nonprofit organizations, the
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union relies heavily on the support and
contributions from its members in addition to the greater birding community
in Minnesota.

You've probably noticed birds in the news over the past couple of months,
including stories highlighting recent studies on birds and neonicotinoids (
major declines in overall bird numbers (
and most recently the published results of monitoring bird collisions at
U.S. Bank Stadium (
It is all too apparent that our birds are facing too many threats, and
therefore it is increasingly important that we work toward solutions to
these problems. Through its Savaloja Grants, the MOU is able to fund
projects that further the science and understanding of birds in Minnesota
so that we, as a birding community, can play an important role in the
conservation of the birds we love.

Please consider showing your support for the MOU on this special day and
check out our Give to the Max Day page (donations can be made today too):


Thank you, and as always good birding!

Bob Dunlap, MOU President

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