Hi, we are nearing the end of a week up on the North Shore, staying near 
Tettegouche. We walked out to Shovel Point hoping to see the Peregrines and on 
the way back were not disappointed. Up at the high point, where people rock 
climb, two Peregrines were involved in some aggressive behavior, or should I 
say it seems one was the instigator and the other was in a defensive posture. 
We’ve been observing this as an ongoing drama in the week we’ve been up here. 
We looked online a bit, and see that there can be aggressive behavior between 
Peregrine’s, but usually in the spring, when there may be competition for a 
nesting site, if a currently established bird is perceived to be weak, or aging.

Or maybe this is a case of an adult telling a fledged youngster it’s time to 
move on and leave the area? 

I got some good photos of this drama which I cannot post right now since we do 
not have wireless where we are staying, but I can post when I have opportunity 
(I believe Tettegouche visitor center has access so could utilize that).

I see that both of these birds are banded.

I’m sure these Peregrines are monitored closely, just curious if anyone can 
tell us whether this is typical behavior for this time of year or is unusual?

FYI, we were out to shore of Lake Superior  predawn yesterday morning, to take 
in a sunrise, and as an added bonus got to observe the Peregrines hunting 
offshore. We watched one take a bat very nearby, so close you could hear the 
impact at the point of success. It took the bird several attempts, but it would 
circle around and come back for another attempt. Took about 4-5 tries in this 

Thanks for any educating knowledge any can pass on..

Brian T.

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