Sorry--reposting here because I included an image (direction)! Hope this
gets through!

I realize people are going to want photographic proof--and my computer and
phone are both giving me fits right now, but I'll try access my pictures as
soon as possible--but in the interest of reporting this quite rare species,
I want to share that this morning at Louisville Swamp (part of the MN River
Valley National Wildlife Refuge), for about 30 minutes I observed a
Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper. There was fairly heavy turn-over at this spot; the
bird was not seen when I first arrived, and it took off and was not seen
again when I left.  Interestingly enough that this is just a few miles from
where this species was seen 4 falls ago as well (I was able to see it at
that time, so I do have at least the one prior experience viewing this

This was along the trail along "the swamp" parallel to, but below, the
Blufftop observation area. There are a variety of maps of the area, some do
and some do not show this trail, but it is on a hunting/recreation map at
the trailhead kiosk if you go. A good mix of species was present here, at
reasonably close distance. Note that the mudflats (with some shallow water)
is very widespread and just because it left (with most of the other
shorebirds) during my stay would not mean it's entirely gone from the area.
But also note that exploring it will be difficult, as there are very
limited vantage points in proximity of the mudflats, and it is way too
murky to even attempt walking on.

Regarding the Sharp-Tailed SP: There was no mistaking this brick-red
colored shorebird from the rest. Its deep rusty-red colored cap was
notable, as was its buffy-orangeish breast (more so closer to the wings
than in the front). Given the crispness of its plumage I'd surmise this to
be a juvenile. Two white stripes on its back and no hint of a black patch
on its belly were among other factors separating it from a Dunlin, which
probably wouldn't look so red at this time anyway. Size-wise it was similar
to the White-Rumpeds and Pectorals in the flock, but it was almost always
on its own and that (plus its coloration) made it easy to re-spot whenever
it took off and re-landed.

I will try to share a photo(s) as soon as I can get my tech issues resolved
here...hopefully yet tonight!

Kyle Te Poel
Stillwater Township, MN

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