Thanks to everyone who purchased or downloaded my children's birding picture 
book, "Do You Hoot?". The first printing is sold out, but a decision will be 
made by September 1st whether there will be a 2nd printing (books delivered by 
Oct. 1st). If interested, please indicate your desire on the form found upon my 
web site. You may also join over 500 families who in the last month have 
download a free full copy PDF version of the book:

If you would like to read background on the story of the Amity Great Horned 
Owls, newspapers across the region recently published a long article.. Here is 
the feature from the Duluth News Tribune's Outdoor Section:

Join or Leave mou-net:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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