I observed a female or juvenile Merlin perched on a large, dead tree on the 
edge of the woods behind our home in Chanhassen yesterday. It was being 
harassed relentlessly by a half dozen or so Blue Jays, who were perched on 
branches all around the Merlin and also were dive bombing it. One of the 
perched Blue Jays even mimicked a Red-shouldered hawk call at one point, maybe 
in an effort to frighten the Merlin? We have Red-shouldered hawks nesting in 
the area every summer, so it's common for "our" Blue Jays to do this. 
Periodically the Merlin would chase one of the Blue Jays into the woods, then 
return and perch on the tree. Finally, it gave up and flew off. It was very 
entertaining. I also saw a Broad-winged hawk, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and a 
dozen or so species of warblers, flycatchers, and vireos.

Paul Worwa

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