Didn't get out of my yard today, but still found a few FOY birds: Great Crested Flycatcher Nashville Warbler Chipping Sparrow
Reports from a friend in SE Dakota County included these FOY birds: Ruby-throated Hummingbird Baltimore Oriole Rose-breasted Grosbeak Eastern Towhee She also reported a brown bat and a few days ago, a Whip-poor-will I spent the day in the yard mostly gardening. Flowers in bloom include: Vinka, 3 kinds of violets, wild strawberries, forget-me-nots, the last of the Siberian Quil, forsythia (although it is pretty much in decline), hyacinth. I believe I also have Pennsylvania Sedge in bloom. I had gray treefrogs singing. Interesting as about 90% of our treefrogs are cope's gray treefrogs, but they start singing later in the season. In a few days I expect as the gray treefrogs peak, they will be almost drowned out by the cope's. Steve Weston On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN swest...@comcast.net ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.