I always have interesting sightings at the airport but today was special.

First, the kestrel family has returned -- three young ones doing random
flights from airport structures to tree limbs while the parents watched and
occasionally shouted at the observer. (Near Bldg 800)

Second, a group of immature eagles lounged on grass at the south end of the
runway until an airport truck with flashing orange lights slowly
approached.  The eagles were reluctant to leave and moved a few yards to an
earthen berm.  The truck followed slowly and eventually the eagles gave in
and flew downriver toward Kaposia Landing.

In addition, close up views of a meadowlark, a group of killdeer, two green
herons and the song of marsh wrens in the swamp on the SW end.  This was
accompanied by the smells of the slow river, jet fuel exhaust and the
sounds of the nearby metal crusher.  Urban birding at its best!
Claudia Egelhoff
West Saint Paul, MN 55118

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