My sincere condolences Tom, MN lost a wonderful bird advocate.
Cathy Gagliardi
St Paul, MN

A beautiful tribute in today's paper..

> On 03/25/2022 4:10 PM Tom Bell <> wrote:
> My wife Elizabeth took her last breath this morning. I post this because the 
> birding community was a big part of our life. Elizabeth served MOU as editor 
> of the newsletter and as membership chairman. We will have a memorial service 
> at Carpenter Nature Center in April. I will keep you informed. Lung cancer 
> was the villain, she elected not to tell many, yet we have known about it for 
> over two years. The first year was symptom free and we took our last birding 
> trip to Panama. We have valued the friendship of many of you.
> Tom Bell
> 5868 Pioneer Road S.
> St. Paul Park, MN 55071
> 651-459-4150
> cell 651-214-5274

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