
Thank you for the rodent ID, I'm not too well-versed in that department...


On Sat, Mar 4, 2023 at 4:36 PM ronald huber <> wrote:

> Brian,
> Many thanks for the picture of the Shrike and its lunch !  Looks like the
> Common Meadow Vole, *Microtus pennsylvanicus* and probably heavier than
> the shrike ?
> Regards
> Ron Huber
> On 3/4/2023 4:08 PM, Brian Tennessen wrote:
> Kyle, Tami,
> Thank you for the reports, nice to read..
> Two winters ago we had Red-breasted Nuthatch winter in / around our
> backyard in St. Paul.  Last winter I saw none.  This winter they are back
> again, I've identified there are two of them this year, a pair.  They don't
> hang around here past spring, in the ~8 years we've lived here.
> I saw the Shrike this morning down by Old Cedar Bridge, that's been hanging
> around there this winter.  I saw the Shrike catch what I believe was a
> field mouse and fly it up into a tree, and got a photo of this, not of
> great quality but a capture of an interesting behavioral moment in any
> event.  The mouse is about as big as the Shrike!
> I saw a Mourning Dove fly by too, those were the most notable sightings
> this morning..
> I went up last Saturday to Taylors Falls, hoping to see the Harlequin Duck
> and it never showed that day.  I noticed the next day though, last Sunday,
> there were sightings reported to ebird, so I chose the wrong day.  I'm not
> sure if it's still being seen there or not, I'll have to check ebird.
> Happy birding to you all,
> Brian
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 12:23 PM Tami Vogel <> 
> <> wrote:
> Just a bit south of you in Afton, we have horned larks lining the fields
> alongside the roads. First flocks showed up almost two weeks ago, but now
> there are many more. I love watching their graceful flight as they lift off
> from the exposed gravel edge as you approach. They're almost impossible to
> spot until they take off.
> My barreds have been displaced by a pair of horneds, who are actively
> calling even during the day.
> There was a bit of excitement here when a mature bald eagle was in the top
> of one of my neighbor's burr oaks for 4 days in a row. We were all
> wondering if it was going to nest there, especially my neighbor who has two
> very tiny pomeranian mixes, lol...  Eagle has moved on, neighbor is
> relieved.
> Swans flew overhead this morning. With Lake Edith and Hudson being just to
> the northeast, and farmfields to my west, I see swans on a regular basis.
> Who knew that we'd ever have a day when swans were that common of a
> sighting? Just a remarkable recovery story.
> Saw what I think was a harrier yesterday on the field just north of 94 and
> west of Manning. Admittedly didn't get a good look at it since I was
> driving, lol.
> Goldfinches are definitely brighter, and red squirrels are very frisky.
> Waiting for my titmice to return  🙂
>  - Tami in Afton
> ________________________________
> From: Minnesota Birds <MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU> <MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU> on 
> behalf of Kyle Te Poel <>
> Sent: Friday, March 3, 2023 10:59 AM
> Subject: [mou-net] Washington County this morning
> This is partly a test--I haven't received an email on this list since
> January (I know it's a slower birding season but still, worth a test)--and
> mostly a bird update  :)
> Here in rural Washington County, it's been a birdy morning at my place.
> Duetting barred owls; several returning, singing Red-Breasted Nuthatches
> (nesters on my property, but largely absent this winter); a Sharp-Shinned
> Hawk patrolling my feeders; Trumpeter Swans calling in the distance; and a
> pair of Sandhill Cranes probably hoping for a little less snow. Hope there
> are some birds in your neck of the woods as well!
> Kyle Te Poel
> Stillwater Township, MN
> ----
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> General information and guidelines for 
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> Archives:
> During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social
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> ----
> General information and guidelines for posting: 
> Archives:
> During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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