Shorebirds are finally moving into the area in decent numbers. In the past
week, White-Faced Ibises have been seen frequently; in recent days, flocks
of various Peeps have arrived, and there appears to be a high number of
Grebes in the area.

Ken Larson had not a trifecta, nor a quadfecta, but a proper "pentafecta"
of species (Western, Red-Necked, Horned, Eared, and Pied-Billed) at the
Sweetwater/Bolson Slough area along CR 12 in Lac qui Parle County last
weekend. Other sites where I've seen large numbers of Grebes include Salt
Lake, Perry WMA, Big Stone Lake, and Caerulean WMA.

Ken also reported approximately 200 Pectoral Sandpipers, various Peeps, and
some Hudsonian Godwits in the flooded fields at the Hwy 75/212
intersection. That particular area is drying out fast, but there are plenty
of soggy grain fields, pastures, and hay meadows in the area where we can
expect to find more shorebirds. Areas east of Nassau along CRs 24 and 28
just east of Nassua, and the Gollnick/Northeast Four Corners WMA areas
along CR 14 (220th) between Marietta and Madison still show good potential.

>From Brandon Semel of Big Stone NWR, I have an early report of a Red-Headed
Woodpecker. The auto tour probably won't be open, as that area is still
flooded. Sapsuckers have arrived, along with a wave of migrant sparrows
(White-Crowned, White-Throated, Fox, Lincoln's, Harris's). Ducks are still
largely holding tight in the area, but the big flocks of Snow Geese and
White-Fronted Geese have largely moved on.

Gravel roads are greatly improved, with most of them having been graded at
this point. The Minnesota River at Montevideo is expected to remain in
moderate flood stage through the weekend, but running waters elsewhere in
our count area have dropped down to typical levels. Marsh Lake remains
high, but is drawing in lots of waterfowl.

Friday is expected to be cool, cloudy and windy, while Saturday is forecast
to stay cool (high of 50) with partly sunny conditions and light to
moderate winds for most of the day.

Jason Frank

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