Salutations and welcome to another migration season.

Since the MOU newsletter for September and November were just released and our 
first field trip will be on September 6th, I wanted to make an announcement for 
that event, as well as list all of the field trips scheduled for September and 
October.  All events have a 10-person limit and registration is required.

Wednesday afternoons in September I will be hosting warbler walks at 4:00 at a 
few different locations.  See details and registration below:
Sept 6th, Carver Park Reserve:
Sept 13th, Hyland Lake:
Sept 20th, Carver Park Reserve:
Sept 27th, Wood Lake Nature Center:

Here are the other events we have planned:
Lowry Nature Center, Sept 23rd 7:30AM.  I am hoping we can connect with a 
Nelson’s Sparrow, but should be good birding regardless
Carver Park Reserve Sparrow Walk, Oct 1st 7:30AM.
Crow Hassan Sparrow Walk w/ William Marengo, Oct 7th at 8:00AM
East Metro Sea Duck Run w/ Ben Douglas, Oct 21st at 9:00AM

As a preview of coming attractions, I will also be leading a West Metro Sea 
Duck trip in early November.  Details TBD, so keep an eye out for that in the 
next newsletter and listserv.

Please reach out with any questions or suggestions you may have.

Best regards,
Trey Weaver
MOU Field Trip Coordinator

General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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