The immature Anna’s Hummingbird that so many of you shared at my place left on 
Nov 15 in the morning. I saw the bird “get up” from its garden roost and take a 
sip of the garden feeder as always at 6:48. Around 7:30 I went out to check a 
favorite perch. He was there. I was poised to take yet another photo when he 
flew up to the new heated feeder on the deck rail, took a brief sip and then 
took off high in the sky to the east. 

It was, as you may recall, an utterly calm day and warm. For most of the day I 
thought he was hunting insects as he had been doing for the past few warm days. 
But he never showed again. I watched until dark. He was on his way someplace 
new. Probably a good choice if he shifted south. 

Here is the summary of visitors:

ANHU was here 17 days. On day 1 (Oct 30) only I saw him. The same was true of 
day 17 (Nov 15). On all other days, many others had a chance.

320 people visiting!! Total visits counting repeat visits was 343. 
Youngest was 17 months who did actually see the hummer according to her mama. 
The oldest would have to self reveal!
Farthest was Grand Forks ND. Other long distancers were Grand Marais MN, Long 
Prairie MN, Crosby MN,  and Dubuque IA
Earliest was before the bird got up in the morning! I waited until I saw the 
hummer and then walked out to the road to invite him in. 

Quite the party. It was wonderful to meet so many like-minded people. Thanks 
for coming. 

Beth Tiller
General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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